Interesting Insights into Indian Beliefs and Attitudes: Lessons for Brands and Startups

Shah Mohammed
5 min readJun 20, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, understanding consumer beliefs and attitudes is crucial for the success of any company, particularly those operating in diverse and dynamic markets like India. A recent survey, albeit with a small sample size, has shed light on some fascinating insights into the beliefs and attitudes of Indian consumers. The findings of this survey provide valuable lessons for consumer-oriented brands, startups, and product manufacturers looking to navigate the Indian market effectively.

Survey Insights(from McCann Worldgroup’s Truth Central via Economic Times):

  1. 91% of Indians believe that brands have an important role in bringing society together.
  2. 92% of Indians believe that there should be an Asian Union similar to the European Union.
  3. 87% of Indians believe that people can fulfil their true potential only with the help of technology.
  4. 95% of Indians believe that cultural diversity is Asia’s greatest wealth and should be celebrated more.

Lessons for Businesses:

  • Brand-building as a key strategy: With the growing importance of branding across all industries, including commodity products and B2B offerings, companies/startups should prioritize building strong brands from the outset. Investing in effective brand strategies can help businesses differentiate themselves, build customer loyalty, and drive long-term success in the Indian market.
  • Fostering social cohesion through brand initiatives: Given that 91% of Indians believe brands have a role in bringing society together, companies should develop initiatives that promote social cohesion, such as campaigns that celebrate diversity, support local communities, or address pressing social issues. By actively contributing to a more united society, brands can build deeper connections with Indian consumers.
  • Addressing social issues through technology: With a large majority of Indians believing in the power of technology to help people fulfil their potential, businesses could focus on developing technological solutions that address pressing social issues such as education, healthcare, and financial inclusion.
  • Investing in technology: Companies should prioritize investing in technological advancements, digital solutions, and innovation to meet consumer expectations and stay competitive. Businesses should allocate resources to research and development efforts aimed at creating innovative products and services that cater to local needs and preferences.
  • Showcasing technology’s transformative power: Instead of merely highlighting product features and benefits, brands should communicate how their technology-driven offerings can transform lives and help individuals fulfil their potential. By aligning their messaging with the belief of Indians in the transformative power of technology, companies can create more compelling and resonant narratives.
  • Incorporating diverse cultural elements in product design: Businesses should incorporate varied Indian cultural themes, designs, and inspirations into their products. By offering products that showcase India’s rich cultural fusion, companies can appeal to consumers’ desire to celebrate and embrace diversity in their daily lives.
  • Creating culturally responsive customer experiences: Businesses should leverage technology to provide personalized customer experiences that cater to the diverse cultural preferences and beliefs of Indian consumers. By using data analytics and AI to tailor offerings, communications, and experiences based on cultural nuances, companies can build stronger connections and drive customer satisfaction.
  • Promoting cross-cultural appreciation in the workplace: As more businesses embrace diversity in their product offerings, they should also foster a workplace culture that celebrates and promotes cross-cultural appreciation. By encouraging employees to showcase their cultural backgrounds and traditions, companies can create a more inclusive and engaging work environment that reflects the diversity valued by Indian consumers.
  • Building cultural bridges through partnerships: While broad regional cooperation may be challenging, businesses can still explore targeted partnerships with companies, organizations, or influencers from other Asian countries that share similar cultural values or have a strong appeal among Indian consumers. These collaborations can help brands build cultural bridges and tap into new market opportunities.
  • Supporting cultural preservation and promotion: Companies can actively contribute to the preservation and promotion of India’s diverse cultural heritage by supporting initiatives such as cultural festivals, traditional art forms, and language conservation efforts. By demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding and celebrating India’s cultural richness, brands can align themselves with the values and beliefs of Indian consumers.
  • Emphasizing sustainability and social impact: With a growing awareness of environmental and social issues among Indian consumers, companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices, environmental conservation, and positive social impact are likely to appeal to the values of bringing society together, as highlighted by the survey.
  • Emphasizing community engagement: Given the importance Indians place on brands bringing society together, as shown in the survey, companies should actively engage with local communities through CSR initiatives, sponsorships, and community outreach programs. This could help build trust, loyalty, and positive brand associations among consumers.

Conclusion: The survey results provide valuable insights into the beliefs and attitudes of Indian consumers, offering a roadmap for consumer-oriented brands, startups, and product manufacturers to navigate the Indian market successfully. By embracing the lessons outlined above and being attuned to the evolving needs and aspirations of Indian consumers, businesses can not only achieve commercial success but also contribute to the overall development and well-being of Indian society.

Cautionary Note: The insights and lessons presented in this article are based on the survey findings, which may have limitations due to the undisclosed research methodology. Factors such as question phrasing, potential biases, and lack of demographic information could impact the results and their interpretation. As an author, I have used these findings to provide recommendations for businesses operating in the Indian market. However, readers should be aware that these insights may be subject to inaccuracies. It is advisable to conduct further research, consider multiple sources, and critically evaluate the insights before making strategic decisions. The lessons presented here should serve as a starting point for deeper exploration rather than definitive guidelines.

