Manga Millions: 10 Business Lessons from Blackstone’s $1.7B Bet on Japanese Comics

Shah Mohammed
11 min read3 days ago

In a bold move that underscores the growing global appetite for Japanese pop culture, Blackstone, the world’s largest alternative asset manager, has announced a $1.7 billion deal to acquire Infocom, a leading digital provider of romance comics in Japan. This landmark transaction, Blackstone’s largest private equity deal in Japan to date, signals a significant bet on the burgeoning digital manga market and highlights the increasing fusion of entertainment, technology, and international investment.

The digital manga industry, a cornerstone of Japan’s cultural exports, has experienced explosive growth in recent years. Evolving from traditional print formats, digital manga platforms have transformed how readers consume these iconic Japanese comics, offering unprecedented accessibility and variety. By 2023, the digital manga market in Japan had swelled to an impressive ¥483 billion ($3.1 billion), nearly doubling its 2019 revenue and showcasing a robust 7.8% year-on-year growth.

At the heart of this digital revolution stands Infocom, with its flagship platform, Mecha Comics. This innovative website and app have captured the imagination of readers, particularly women in their 30s and 40s, by offering a diverse array of romance comics, workplace comedies, and fantasy melodramas. Mecha Comics’ micro-transaction model, allowing users to pay mere cents to read individual chapters, has proven to be a game-changer in the industry, driving engagement and fostering a loyal customer base. With original content accounting for about 10% of its revenue and half of its top 10 most popular titles, Infocom has positioned itself as not just a distributor but a creator of compelling digital manga content.

Business Insights

The Blackstone-Infocom deal offers a treasure trove of business insights applicable across industries. From market identification to exit strategies, these lessons provide a roadmap for businesses aiming to navigate today’s dynamic economic landscape. Let’s delve into these key takeaways and explore how they can be applied to drive growth and innovation.

01 Identify and capitalize on growing markets

Blackstone’s investment targets the rapidly expanding digital manga market in Japan, which has grown from $1.5 billion in 2019 to $3 billion in 2023. This explosive growth reflects changing consumer habits and the increasing popularity of digital content consumption.

By recognizing and acting on this trend, Blackstone positions itself to benefit from continued market expansion. The digital manga market’s growth outpaces many other entertainment sectors, making it an attractive investment opportunity.

Lesson for businesses: Stay vigilant for high-growth sectors and be prepared to pivot or expand to capitalize on these trends. This requires:

  • Conducting continuous market research to spot emerging trends
  • Developing the ability to analyze data and predict future market movements
  • Cultivating the agility to act quickly when opportunities arise
  • Being willing to make bold moves into new, promising sectors

Example: Netflix’s early investment in streaming technology, when the market was still nascent, allowed it to become a dominant player in what is now a massive industry.

02 Focus on underserved demographics

Infocom’s success stems from targeting women in their 30s and 40s, an often overlooked segment in the comics industry. This demographic has growing disposable income and a strong interest in digital manga, particularly romance and workplace genres.

By focusing on this specific demographic, Infocom has built a loyal customer base with unique preferences, which Blackstone now aims to expand further. This approach demonstrates the potential of targeting niche markets that larger competitors may overlook.

Lesson for businesses: Identify and cater to underserved market segments to gain a competitive edge and foster loyal customer bases. This strategy can lead to:

  • Less competition and easier market entry
  • Stronger customer loyalty due to tailored offerings
  • Potential for rapid growth as unmet needs are addressed
  • Opportunities to become a market leader in a specific niche

Example: Fenty Beauty disrupted the cosmetics industry by providing makeup for a wide range of skin tones, especially darker shades often neglected by other brands. This led to rapid success and market disruption.

03 Leverage existing IP and diversify revenue streams

Blackstone isn’t just acquiring a digital platform; it’s gaining a treasure trove of intellectual property. The strategy involves expanding Infocom’s current revenue streams beyond digital manga sales to include:

  • Creating anime adaptations of popular manga titles
  • Developing merchandise lines based on beloved characters
  • Exploring live-action adaptations for streaming platforms or theaters
  • Potentially licensing characters for use in video games or mobile apps
  • Considering crossover opportunities with other media franchises

By expanding into these additional revenue streams, Blackstone aims to multiply the value of each successful manga property, transforming individual titles into multi-faceted entertainment franchises.

Lesson for businesses: Maximize the value of your core assets by exploring multiple revenue streams and creating interconnected product ecosystems. This approach involves:

  • Identifying all potential uses for your core IP or assets across different mediums and markets
  • Diversifying revenue streams to reduce dependency on a single source
  • Building resilience by balancing market fluctuations
  • Enhancing brand engagement through multiple touchpoints
  • Exploring licensing opportunities in complementary industries


  • Disney’s approach to franchises like Marvel or Star Wars, leveraging IP across movies, TV shows, theme parks, merchandise, and more
  • Adobe’s transition from selling boxed software to offering a suite of cloud-based creative services on a subscription model
  • Peloton expanding from exercise bikes to a full ecosystem of fitness content, apparel, and accessories

04 Adapt to changing consumer preferences

Blackstone’s investment capitalizes on the shift from print to digital manga consumption. While print manga sales in Japan declined by 8% in 2023, digital manga sales grew by 7.8%.

This changing consumer behaviour reflects broader trends in digital content consumption. By investing in a digital-first platform, Blackstone positions itself to benefit from the continued growth in digital consumption.

Lesson for businesses: Stay attuned to evolving consumer preferences and be ready to adapt your business model accordingly. This involves:

  • Regularly assessing market trends and consumer behaviour
  • Being willing to pivot or expand offerings to meet changing demands
  • Investing in technologies or platforms that align with new consumption patterns
  • Balancing traditional offerings with innovative digital solutions

Example: Spotify’s evolution from a music streaming service to include podcasts and audiobooks demonstrates successful adaptation to changing listener preferences.

05 Invest in original content creation

While Infocom currently generates about 10% of its revenue from original content, Blackstone aims to increase this significantly. By investing in the creation of more original manga titles, Blackstone hopes to reduce reliance on licensed content and create unique, valuable IPs.

Original content not only differentiates Infocom’s offering but also creates valuable assets that can be monetized across various channels, potentially leading to higher profit margins and greater control over the product pipeline.

Lesson for businesses: Allocate resources to developing proprietary products or content to set your business apart and create long-term value. This strategy involves:

  • Investing in R&D or creative teams to generate proprietary ideas and solutions
  • Balancing original and licensed content to optimize costs and appeal
  • Viewing original creations as long-term assets that can yield returns over time
  • Aligning original content with brand values and target audience preferences


  1. Technology: Apple is developing its own chips (M1, M2) for enhanced performance and ecosystem control.
  2. Food and Beverage: Craft breweries create unique beer recipes to stand out in a crowded market.
  3. Fashion: Zara’s fast-fashion model rapidly designs and produces original clothing lines.
  4. B2B Services: HubSpot creates original marketing and sales software tools complemented by educational content.
  5. Education: Coursera partners with universities to create original online courses and degree programs.
  6. Manufacturing: Tesla is developing proprietary battery technology to gain a competitive edge in the electric vehicle market.

By investing in original content or IP, businesses across sectors can differentiate themselves, reduce dependence on third-party offerings, and create unique value propositions that drive growth and customer loyalty. This approach allows companies to build a portfolio of original assets that can be leveraged and monetized in multiple ways over time.

06 Consider cultural crossovers

While initially focusing on the Japanese market, Blackstone sees potential for bringing Infocom’s content to global audiences. This aligns with the growing international interest in manga and anime, as evidenced by successful adaptations on platforms like Netflix.

By considering the global potential of Infocom’s content, Blackstone is positioning itself to tap into the worldwide appetite for Japanese pop culture. This approach could significantly expand the market for Infocom’s products beyond Japan’s borders.

Lesson for businesses: Look for ways to adapt culturally specific products or services for diverse global audiences. This strategy involves:

  • Identifying elements of your offering that have universal appeal
  • Researching how similar products have been successfully adapted for international markets
  • Investing in understanding and respecting cultural nuances when expanding globally
  • Collaborating with local partners to ensure authentic and appropriate adaptations
  • Balancing the preservation of core cultural elements with necessary localization

Example: The global success of Korean beauty (K-beauty) products demonstrates the potential of bringing unique cultural concepts to a worldwide market. Brands like Innisfree and Laneige have successfully marketed traditional Korean skincare routines and ingredients to international consumers.

07 Look for untapped potential

The acquisition gives Blackstone access to a vast catalogue of manga IP, much of which hasn’t been fully exploited, especially in global markets. This represents significant untapped potential for adaptation into other media forms or for international distribution.

By identifying and leveraging underutilized assets, Blackstone can potentially create new revenue streams and increase the overall value of its investment without the need to develop entirely new properties.

Lesson for businesses: Continuously evaluate your resources for hidden opportunities and unexplored potential. This approach includes:

  • Regularly assessing existing assets or IP for unexplored opportunities
  • Looking for ways to repurpose or repackage existing offerings for new markets
  • Considering acquisitions that provide access to underutilized but valuable assets
  • Thinking creatively about how existing products or services could be adapted for new uses or audiences

Example: Amazon’s development of Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a prime example of leveraging untapped potential. What started as an internal tool to manage Amazon’s own IT infrastructure became a major revenue generator when offered as a service to other businesses.

Airbnb’s business model, which tapped into the underutilized potential of private homes as short-term rentals, is a classic example of this principle.

08 Balance immediate goals with a long-term vision

While focusing on immediate growth in Japan’s digital manga market, Blackstone is also considering long-term opportunities like international expansion and diversification into other media formats.

This balanced approach allows Blackstone to capitalize on current market conditions while also positioning Infocom for sustained growth and adaptability in the face of future market changes.

Lesson for businesses: Strive for a balance between achieving immediate objectives and positioning for long-term success. This strategy requires:

  • Setting clear short-term goals while developing a long-term vision
  • Allocating resources to both immediate needs and future opportunities
  • Regularly reassessing and adjusting the balance between short-term and long-term priorities
  • Developing flexible strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions
  • Communicating both short-term objectives and long-term vision to stakeholders

Example: Amazon’s strategy of prioritizing growth and market share over short-term profits for many years, which ultimately led to its dominant market position, exemplifies this approach.

09 Consider multiple exit strategies

While planning for a potential public offering of Infocom in about five years, Blackstone also recognizes that the enhanced business could be attractive to potential buyers, keeping options open for the best possible exit.

This flexibility in exit planning allows Blackstone to maximize the return on its investment by adapting to market conditions and choosing the most profitable exit strategy when the time comes.

Lesson for businesses: Remain flexible in your long-term planning and be open to various exit strategies as your business evolves. This approach involves:

  • Considering various potential outcomes from the outset of a venture or investment
  • Developing strategies that allow for different exit possibilities (e.g., IPO, acquisition, merger)
  • Regularly reassessing exit options as the business grows and market conditions change
  • Building the business in a way that makes it attractive to various types of buyers or investors
  • Staying informed about market trends and potential acquirers in your industry

Example: Instagram’s journey from a startup to being acquired by Facebook for $1 billion demonstrates the value of being open to different exit possibilities, even when the original plan might have been different.

10 Leverage expertise and networks

In addition to providing capital, Blackstone brings its extensive investment experience, data analysis capabilities, and business networks to support Infocom’s growth and development.

These additional resources can significantly enhance Infocom’s ability to execute its growth strategy, potentially accelerating its expansion and improving its competitive position.

Lesson for businesses: Look for partnerships that offer more than just financial investment, focusing on those that bring valuable expertise and connections. This strategy includes:

  • Seeking partners or investors who can provide relevant industry expertise and connections
  • Leveraging the knowledge and networks of experienced industry players
  • Focusing on building mutually beneficial relationships within your industry ecosystem
  • Actively seeking mentorship and advice from successful individuals or organizations in your field
  • Participating in industry associations and events to expand your network and knowledge base

Example: Many tech startups seek out experienced venture capital firms not just for funding, but for their industry expertise, connections, and operational support. Y Combinator, for instance, provides startups with a valuable network of alumni and mentors in addition to seed funding.

Conclusion: Blackstone’s bold move into the digital manga market offers a wealth of insights applicable across industries. From identifying growth markets and underserved demographics to leveraging IP and adapting to consumer trends, these lessons provide a roadmap for businesses aiming to innovate, expand, and succeed in today’s dynamic economic landscape. By applying these principles, companies of all sizes can position themselves for growth, resilience, and long-term success in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.

