The Culture Fit Fallacy: Why Hiring for Similarity is Hurting Your Organization

Shah Mohammed
9 min readMar 23, 2023

Hiring for culture fit has become popular recently as organizations realize the importance of creating a positive and cohesive work environment. The idea behind hiring for culture fit is that by finding individuals who share the same values, attitudes, and beliefs as the organization, they will be more likely to be successful and productive in their roles.

Moreover, the rise of social media and company culture branding has played a significant role in the popularity of hiring for culture fit. As organizations have become more transparent about their company culture, job seekers are increasingly looking for organizations that align with their own values and beliefs. Similarly, organizations seek employees with the necessary skills and experience to fit into their company culture.

However, the trend towards hiring for culture fit has also been driven by a desire for organizational efficiency and cost savings. By hiring individuals who fit in with the organisation's existing culture, organizations hope to reduce turnover and increase productivity, leading to better business results.

Despite its popularity, hiring for culture fit has been scrutinised recently. The reality is that hiring for culture fit can actually be harmful to an organization in several ways.

Subjective Nature of Culture Fit

I want to start with the critical point about culture fit —The Subjective Nature.

Cultural fit is subjective and can be influenced by individual biases, limited knowledge and preferences. What one person or organization considers a good fit may not be the same for another. When organizations prioritize hiring for cultural fit, they may unintentionally create a narrow definition of what they believe cultural fit should be, based on their personal experiences and perspectives. This can lead to stereotyping and exclusion, as candidates who don’t fit into this narrow definition may be overlooked or undervalued.

The subjective nature of Culture Fit can manifest in many ways, such as the expectation for employees to participate in the morning by singing songs or playing other games. While these activities may be enjoyable for some, others may feel uncomfortable or excluded. Forcing everyone to participate can create a sense of conformity and exclusion rather than fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity.

Another example of subjective cultural fit is the expectation for employees to remember the names of all their colleagues. While some people may be skilled at remembering names, others may struggle with this task or prefer to remember faces instead. Forcing everyone to remember names can create unnecessary stress and anxiety for some employees and may not accurately reflect their ability to contribute to the organization.

Candour — Several organizations have Extreme Candidness as a core value in their culture deck. The concept of culture fit and extremely candid feedback as core values can be challenging for some individuals, especially those who may not naturally align with an organisation's dominant culture or communication style.

For example, individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, or personality types may not be comfortable with the level of directness or assertiveness expected in a culture that values extremely candid feedback. They may prefer a more indirect or nuanced communication approach or be uncomfortable with conflict or confrontation.

Similarly, individuals who value collaboration and consensus-building may feel left out or excluded in a culture that emphasizes individual assertiveness and feedback. They may feel that their input or ideas are not valued or appreciated or that their need for harmony and relationship-building is not prioritized.

Biology can play a role in how individuals give and receive feedback, particularly in terms of their natural temperament and personality traits. For example, some individuals may be naturally more sensitive or reactive to criticism, while others may be more resilient and able to take feedback in stride. These differences may be due in part to genetics or other biological factors.

Similarly, how individuals give feedback may also be influenced by their natural communication style and personality traits. For example, some individuals may be naturally more assertive and direct in their communication, while others may be more indirect or nuanced. These differences may also be influenced by biology and temperament.

Organizations must recognize and appreciate the diversity of communication styles and personalities among their team members and provide support and resources to help individuals navigate different communication styles and feedback preferences.

While honesty and open communication are important, not everyone is comfortable giving candid feedback in every situation. Context and relationships can play a significant role in how feedback is given and received, and forcing everyone always to be candid may create a culture of hostility and conflict.

Exude Positive Energy All the Time — Another core value in several culture decks was Exuding Positive Energy. The idea of exuding positivity and energy all the time may be an ideal that some companies strive for, but it is essential to recognize that everyone has their natural energy levels and ways of expressing themselves. Some individuals may naturally be more expressive and outgoing, while others may be more reserved and introverted.

It’s important to understand that one’s body language and outward expressions may not always reflect their internal thoughts, feelings, or work performance. For example, individuals may be quiet and reserved in group settings but still be highly collaborative and effective in their work. Alternatively, an individual who appears to be constantly positive and energetic may actually be struggling with burnout or other personal challenges.

Companies need to recognize and appreciate a diverse range of personalities and work styles. Emphasizing positivity and energy all the time may create an environment where individuals feel pressure to conform to a particular standard rather than being able to be authentic to themselves. This can lead to feelings of stress, disengagement, and, ultimately, reduced productivity and effectiveness.

A few more examples — Some organizations have strict dress codes, while others allow for casual attire. A candidate may fit in perfectly regarding skills, values, and experience, but they may be considered a poor cultural fit if they don’t conform to the dress code.

Different people have different working styles. Some prefer to work independently, while others thrive in a collaborative environment. Suppose an organization prioritizes a certain working style as part of its culture fit. In that case, it may exclude candidates who don’t fit that mould, even if they have the necessary skills, values, and experience.

Some organizations may place a high value on extracurricular activities, such as volunteering or participating in sports. If a candidate doesn’t have experience in these areas, they may be considered a poor cultural fit, even if they excel in other areas.

Personalities are complex and multifaceted, and not everyone will fit into a narrow definition of cultural fit based on personality traits. For example, introverted candidates may be overlooked in favour of extroverted candidates, even if they have the necessary skills and experience for the job.

So, organizations prioritising hiring for cultural fit may unintentionally perpetuate existing biases and stereotypes.

Identity Crisis

Humans are wired to display individuality and express their unique identities. From the clothes we wear to how we decorate our homes, we use these choices to showcase our personal style and values. This innate human need for self-expression has been a driving force throughout human history, with cultural and social norms often evolving around the individual expression.

However, when organizations prioritize hiring for cultural fit, they may be working against this fundamental human trait.

When organizations prioritize a narrow definition of cultural fit, they may be implicitly suggesting that employees should subsume their individual identities and conform to the company culture. This can create a sense of dissonance for employees who are asked to prioritize the company culture over their individuality.

Employees may feel pressure to suppress their unique identities and perspectives to fit in with the existing culture. This can lead to self-doubt, frustration, and even identity crisis. Employees may question whether they belong in the organization and may struggle to reconcile their personal values and beliefs with the company culture.

In the long run, an organizational culture prioritising conformity over individuality can lead to employee disengagement and burnout. When employees are not encouraged to express their authentic selves, they may struggle to find meaning and purpose in their work.

Lack of Diversity

Hiring for culture fit can lead to a lack of diversity in the workplace. When organizations prioritize hiring individuals similar to their existing employees, they unintentionally exclude those from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This can negatively affect the organization, reducing innovation, creativity, and problem-solving ability.

In a homogenous work environment, individuals are more likely to conform to the prevailing norms and attitudes, leading to a lack of new ideas and approaches. By contrast, a diverse workplace encourages a range of viewpoints and ideas, which can lead to more innovative and creative solutions.

Moreover, a lack of diversity can also hinder problem-solving ability. When individuals from similar backgrounds work together, they may be more likely to approach problems in the same way, leading to a narrow range of solutions. Conversely, when individuals from different backgrounds work together, they bring a variety of problem-solving approaches, which can lead to more effective and creative solutions.

Diversity can also bring a broader range of perspectives and ideas to the table, which can help organizations better understand and meet the needs of a diverse customer base. For instance, a diverse marketing team can better understand and reach out to customers from different cultural backgrounds, leading to more effective marketing campaigns and increased revenue.

Reinforcing Biases

When organizations hire for culture fit, they may perpetuate existing biases and discrimination by reinforcing the status quo and prioritizing individuals who share the same background, experiences, and perspectives as the existing employees. This can lead to a lack of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, perpetuating discrimination and exclusion of certain groups of people.

For example, if an organization’s culture predominantly comprises white men, hiring for culture fit may exclude individuals from other demographic groups, such as women or people of colour. This can result in a homogenous workplace where diverse perspectives and experiences are undervalued and overlooked.

Moreover, organisations may unintentionally perpetuate implicit biases and discrimination when prioritising cultural fit. Implicit biases are attitudes or stereotypes that unconsciously affect our understanding, actions, and decisions. These biases can lead to discrimination against certain groups of people, even if the person making the decision is not consciously aware of it.

Limited Skill Sets

When organizations prioritize hiring for cultural fit, they may overlook candidates who have unique skill sets and experiences that could benefit the organization. This can lead to a homogenous workforce with limited skill sets, which may struggle to adapt to changing market conditions and industry trends.

Negative Impact on Morale

Employees who don’t fit in with the existing culture may feel excluded, undervalued, and unsupported. This can lead to feelings of disengagement, disempowerment, and low morale.

For example, if an organization’s culture values extroversion and outgoing personalities, employees who are introverted or shy may feel out of place and undervalued. This can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and lack of confidence, which can negatively impact their performance and overall job satisfaction.

Furthermore, hiring for cultural fit can also lead to a sense of exclusivity and homogeneity within the organization. This can create cliques and sub-groups within the workplace, leading to interpersonal conflicts and a lack of cohesion within the team.

Increased Groupthink

Hiring for cultural fit can also lead to increased groupthink within an organization. Groupthink occurs when individuals prioritize agreement and conformity over critical thinking and innovation. This can lead to a lack of constructive debate and ultimately result in suboptimal decisions for the organization.

Recruitment Challenges

Focusing too heavily on cultural fit can also make recruitment more challenging, as it may limit the pool of available candidates. This can make it harder for organizations to find the talent to drive growth and innovation.

In conclusion, hiring for culture fit has become popular in recent years due to the importance of creating a positive and cohesive work environment. However, the trend has also been driven by a desire for organizational efficiency and cost savings. While a positive and cohesive work environment is important, organizations must be mindful of the potential drawbacks of hiring for culture fit and work to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture.

