Turning Rage into Revenue: A Guide to Using Anger to Sell

Shah Mohammed
7 min readMar 10, 2023

Anger is a powerful emotion that, when harnessed correctly, can be used to promote products or services. Using anger as an emotional appeal can help businesses create a memorable and impactful message that resonates with their audience. This article will explore the benefits of using anger to sell and guide businesses looking to tap into this emotional appeal.

Why Use Anger as an Emotional Appeal: Anger is a strong emotion often associated with a desire for change or action. When used in marketing, anger can create a sense of urgency and drive people to take action. It can also be an effective way to grab people’s attention and create a memorable message that sticks in their minds. Additionally, by tapping into a shared source of anger, businesses can create a sense of community and belonging with their audience.

How to Use Anger to Sell:

Know Your Audience: To use anger as an emotional appeal effectively, businesses must understand their audience and what drives their emotions. This could involve conducting research or surveys to identify the common sources of anger and frustration among their target market.

Identify a Problem: The next step is to identify a problem your target audience is angry about. This could be a societal issue, a common frustration, or a pain point your product or service can address. By highlighting this problem and framing it as something people should be angry about, you can tap into your audience’s emotions and drive engagement.

Create a Compelling Narrative: Once you have identified a problem, you must create a compelling narrative that ties your product or service to the solution. This could involve showcasing real-life examples of people impacted by the problem and how your product or service has helped them overcome it. By creating a powerful narrative that resonates with your audience, you can turn their anger into action and drive sales.

Use Strong Language: When promoting your product or service, using strong language that taps into your audience’s anger can be effective. This could involve using words like “unfair,” “outrageous,” or “ridiculous” to describe the problem you are addressing. By using strong language that evokes emotion, you can create a sense of urgency and encourage people to take action.

Use Visuals and Storytelling: Visuals and storytelling can be powerful tools for creating an emotional appeal to anger. Businesses can use images or videos that showcase the source of anger and how their product or service can address the problem. Additionally, storytelling can help create a personal connection with the audience and highlight the importance of taking action against the problem.

Use Empathy: Empathy can effectively connect with the audience and create a sense of understanding. The message should acknowledge the emotions and experiences of the audience and provide a solution that addresses their needs.

Create a Call to Action: To ensure that the anger is translated into action, businesses should create a strong call to action that encourages people to take action against the problem. This could involve encouraging people to purchase a product or service, sign a petition, or participate in a movement.

Use Statistics: Using statistics and data to support the emotional appeal message can help to provide credibility and make the issue more tangible for the audience. This can be an effective way to convince people to take action and make a change.

Focus on the Solution: While anger can be an effective emotional appeal, it is important to focus on the solution rather than just the problem. The message should provide a clear solution and highlight the positive change that can be achieved by taking action.

Address the Opposition: It is important to address any opposition or counterarguments when using anger as an emotional appeal. This can help provide a more comprehensive message and address the audience's concerns or doubts.

Tap into Social Media: Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting products and services using anger. You can tap into existing conversations and drive engagement by creating a hashtag highlighting the problem and tying it to your product or service. Additionally, social media allows you to create visually compelling content that can help you capture attention and drive traffic to your website or store.

Be Authentic: It is important to be authentic when using anger to promote a product or service. If your audience senses that you are just using anger as a marketing ploy, it can backfire and damage your brand reputation. Instead, ensure your anger is genuine and that you are truly passionate about addressing the problem.

Balance Anger with Positivity: While anger can be an effective emotional appeal, it is important to balance it with positivity. By showcasing how the product or service can address the source of anger and provide a solution, businesses can create a sense of hope and empowerment with their audience. While anger can be serious, adding humour to the message can make it more relatable and shareable. A light-hearted approach to a serious topic can help create a memorable message that resonates with the audience.

Use Anger Appropriately: While anger can be an effective emotional appeal, it is important to use it appropriately. Businesses should avoid using anger to create negative or divisive messages, which can backfire and harm their reputation. Instead, anger should be used to create positive change and promote a solution.

Be Timely: Timing is important when using anger as an emotional appeal. Businesses should identify the right time to launch their campaign or message to maximize its impact. This could involve launching it during heightened awareness or when the issue is most relevant.

Monitor Feedback: It is important to monitor feedback when using anger as an emotional appeal. Businesses should be prepared for positive and negative feedback and open to constructive criticism. By monitoring feedback, businesses can adapt their message and make changes to improve its impact.

Use Anger Ethically: Using anger ethically as an emotional appeal is important. Businesses should avoid using anger to manipulate or exploit their audience. The message should focus on promoting positive change and providing a solution rather than creating controversy for attention.

Provide Evidence of Impact: Providing evidence of impact can help to reinforce the emotional appeal message and show the audience that their actions can make a difference. This could involve providing examples of successful campaigns or sharing stories of individuals or communities positively impacted by the message.

Be Consistent: Consistency is important when using anger as an emotional appeal. The message should be consistent across all platforms and channels to create a strong and memorable message. This can help to reinforce the emotional appeal and drive engagement.

Consider Your Brand Image: When using anger to promote a product or service, it is important to consider your brand image and how your messaging fits your overall brand strategy. Ensure that your messaging is consistent with your brand values and that you are not alienating your existing customer base.

Avoid Offending Your Audience: While using strong language and tapping into emotions can be effective, it is important to avoid offending your audience. Ensure that your message is clear and that you are not targeting any specific groups or individuals in a way that could be perceived as discriminatory or offensive.


Nike — “Believe in Something” — In 2018, Nike released an ad campaign featuring NFL player Colin Kaepernick. The campaign included a video ad that urged viewers to “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” The ad was seen as controversial due to Kaepernick’s protests against racial injustice and police brutality during the national anthem. The campaign sparked anger among some viewers who disagreed with Kaepernick’s message. However, the campaign also resonated with many people who shared Kaepernick’s message of social justice and the need for change. The campaign led to a 31% increase in online sales for Nike, and the company’s stock price also increased. By tapping into this anger and frustration around racial injustice, Nike was able to create a strong emotional connection with its audience and drive engagement.

Dove — “Real Beauty” — In 2004, Dove launched its “Real Beauty” campaign, which aimed to challenge the narrow standards of beauty perpetuated by the media. The campaign featured a series of ads that showcased women of different ages, sizes, and ethnicities. The ads encouraged women to embrace their natural beauty and reject the unrealistic and often harmful beauty standards perpetuated by the media. The campaign tapped into the anger and frustration many women felt that the media’s portrayal of beauty was unattainable and harmful. By tapping into this anger and frustration, Dove was able to create a strong emotional connection with its audience and drive engagement. The campaign was widely praised for its message of inclusivity and empowerment, and it helped to change the conversation around beauty standards in the media.

In conclusion, while anger is generally viewed as a negative emotion, it can be used to promote a product or service by identifying a problem, creating a compelling narrative, using strong language, tapping into social media, and being authentic. By doing so, businesses can harness the power of anger to drive engagement and sales.

