What Should You Research Before Starting A Business or Brand — The Critical Step in Business Strategy for Startups

Shah Mohammed
11 min readNov 4, 2021

Before starting a new business or launching a new product/service or brand, it is crucial to spend as much time in market/user research.

A new business/brand needs a sturdy foundation, and the research helps in that. Even the existing businesses need continuous research to adapt their products/services to changing customers’ needs, attitudes, or desires to stay relevant.

Image Source:: 3x5leadership.com

User/Market research will supply information/insights for the following business decisions —

  • positioning of the product in the consumer’s mind,
  • decisions on brand extensions, sub brands, brand energizers, stand-alone brands, and brand endorsers,
  • information for marketing communication language,
  • type of communication channels to reach customers,
  • pricing strategy,
  • packaging design, POP, visual displays,
  • how to build customer relationships,
  • how/when to do customer education,
  • how to build habit-forming products,
  • what activities/capabilities need to be outsourced/developed in-house, and so on,

